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Individuals, civic groups, businesses, alumni of Geary County Schools, parent groups, and school employees are all encouraged to consider contributions to the Geary Community Schools Foundation as a way to directly enhance the quality of education in USD 475. Businesses may even wish to establish programs to match employees gifts to the foundation.
Here are some ways to contribute:
Direct Gifts — including cash donation, securities, and property.
You may also donate directly via Paypal.
Planned Gifts — including trusts, annuities, wills, or the assignment of life insurance policies.
Recognition Gifts — honoring a particular person, such as a family member or a special teacher.
Memorial Gifts –honoring a deceased individual and offering sympathy to a grieving family.
Your gift to the foundation is tax deductible. Donors are urged to consult with their financial and legal advisors regarding the benefits of planned giving to the Foundation. The Board of Trustees reserves the authority to approve all gifts to the Foundation.